西餐禮儀in 國賓飯店
Here at ITI, time always goes fast.
I know I didn't write down anyting for a while. Actually I can't tell that I didn't write anything is because I'm too busy or I'm too lazy, or in fact I just don't want to take time on it.......I don't know. Maybe all of them are part of my reasons, and maybe another reason is I told myself I should write in English and that made me even lazier to write.
All right, no matter what happenes I've passed my third term at ITI. Now next week my forth term is coming, and I think I've prepared well to face ther new term. The last month of the third term is quite busy, and I didn't keep my promise - I slept less and less, and it's not good. I just couldn't let myself be lazy and not to review anything although actually I really couldn't handle so many things at the same time.
I know I'm still not open-minded enough. I restricted myself too much. I still don't have enough confidence, no matter inside or outside. I can pretend I have, but I know myself.
Recently a lot of things happende in our class. Although they're not my business, I can't say we weren't affected. The only thing I can say is LOVE is so sweet but it's also so dangerous that once you didn't pay attention you may make big mistakes or love someone you shouldn't love. Sometimes when the passion became the past, love can be transferred to hate or became a scar in your mind.
More and more of my past classmates got married or became pregnant. For me it's just like another stage of life, and still too far for me. I know real life is more stressful than we can imagine . I know real life is not a fairy tale, but I still desire to have somebody to share my happiness and sorrow. I told myself again and agin without a man I can still live well - even better, but who can tell me how to conquer the loneliness when you're alone in a silent night again again and again? Usually I was very busy, so I wouldn't think this kind of things, but I found that recently when the past memory surged me, I felt very frustrated.
I'm on the way to a independent businesswoman, but to my surprise, in my deep mind I still want to have someone to rely on. What a sarcasm! Where is he and Why do I need to estimate myself through other people's words?
I'm happy at ITI, but I'm still feel confused about many things. Life, future, target............
- Mar 23 Mon 2009 23:33
The end of my 3rd term